After a decade of trials and tribulations, it’s finally happening! John James Tourville, of my favorite band, The Deslondes, is producing, and playing, for this full length, all original album. I’ve created a Go Fund Me to make this all possible! Please donate, and share!! Thank you! Go Fund Me
COVID-19, carrying on
Friends and Music Lovers!!
Hard times are upon us, and we don’t really have an end in sight. It’s been 5 months since the shutters have closed on all of our beloved venues. We need to play to live, in health, happiness, as well as covering life’s expenses. I am pleased to announce that we will be picking back up our regular Spotted Cat gig via livestream, from 6-8 every Tuesday. I will also be posting my other livestream gigs in the gig calendar moving forward, until that happy day we can play for live in the room audiences again. I wish you all health and safety! See you on the internet!!
Love and Light,
Summer Cancellations-Back in the States
I am very sorry to write of having to cancel nearly all of my summer European dates due to very serious illnesses in my immediate family. I am back in New Orleans to support and be closer to them and have booked a few gigs locally , with more to come. Keep your eyes on the calendar as I will be updating it as need be. Thank you for your understanding, and well wishes in this difficult time.
My Exciting Jazzfest Schedule!! I’m coming home!
Hey There Fans and Music Lovers,
I am absolutely delighted to be coming home for Jazzfest! The 50th! And the homecoming of my heart :) I’ve missed y’all so!! Gigs are listed below-hope you can make it out for one or a few and say howdy to me.
SUNDAY 4/21, 7-9pm, The Music Box-Teddy’s Twilight Serenade
9pm-12am, Siberia-solo set. With sets from Zoe Boekbinder, and Julie Odell
TUESDAY 4/23, 6-10pm, THe Spotted Cat Music Club with The Little Big Horns
WEDNESDAY 4/24 9:15-10:30 pm, The Hyatt Regency, The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and Fundation Gala, with Louis Prima Jr!
THURDAY 4/25, JAZZFEST!! 2:40-3:40pm THE Blues TEnt, with The Little Big Horns!
FRIDAY 4/26, 6-9pm DBA with THe Little Big Horns
SATURDAY 4/27-The Little GEm Saloon, 11pm-1am with The Little BIg Horns
SUNDAY 4/28-JAZZFEST 4:10-5:25-Economy HAll-Louis Prima Tribute also feat. Louis Prima Jr., John Boutte, and Wendell Brunious
SUNDAy 4/28, 8-10pm Chickie Wah Wah, wit Tom McDermott
TUESDAY-6-10pm THE Spotted CAt Music Club with The Little Big Horns
My Kickstarter needs a kick! European Jazz Band Update!
Hello Friends and Music Lovers! It’s high time I put out a new record, and my best intended plans for recording with the Birds fell apart, as plans often do. But not to fret! With each closing door there is, at least one more opening up, making opportunities that may be better in any length of run. I’ve assembled a superband of professionals with integrity and kind hearts, and I’m calling them The New Movement Jazz Band. My vision for this ensemble is to create music for dancing and dreaming that will take the participant to new heights. An expressive, all inclusive, revolution on and off the dance floor. BUT! I need your help. There are expenses to pay to do it right, and I am a one woman entity. I’ve started a Kickstarter in hopes that our community will help me provide the resources necessary to bring my joyful vision to the world. It can be found here…..
Thanks for taking the time to check in! Please share! I’ll see y’all out there!
Mama Mush is Back to Work!!
Hello World!!
Lil Miss Saoirse Adelaide Harm came into this world on January 15, 2017 at 9:04 AM, weighing in at 7 lbs, 19.5 inches! Our lilBIG family could not be happier. We are back to hitting the stage with some exciting performances coming up. Friday April 7, we will be on the brand new JAX brewery Stage for French Quarter Festival, 12:30 to 1:40pm. WWOZ will be broadcasting our performance live, at 90.7 FM and on the world wide web at The Gracious Mr. Quint Davis is giving us some great opportunities for The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival this year. The Little Big Horns will be performing Friday, April 28, from 2:10 to 3:10 PM on the Acura Stage, with a Special Performance by The New Orleans Chorus Girls! I also have the astute honor of performing for a Blue Lu Barker tribute, led by Grammy Winner Mike Esneault, along side vocalist Quiana Lynell, at the Economy Hall tent, April 28, from 5:30 to 6:45 PM. Thanks Quint!!!
I'm also over the moon about being invited to be a part of Mr. Martin Quintron's Weather Warlock performance at The Music Box, April 22, and 23. Quintron has even asked that I lead a part of this incredible night. If you've never heard of the Music Box, check it out. It's one of the most magical places on Earth. Here's a synapsis of the evening taken from their website,
QUINTRON’S WEATHER WARLOCK presents: “The Rights of Spring”
Inspired by Stravinsky’s “Le Sacre du Printemps”
Quintron returns to the Music Box Village to conduct an imaginative re-interpretation of Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring” featuring Weather Warlock, a band AND a unique weather-responsive instrument, first revealed in the original Music Box installation and streaming the sounds of New Orleans weather here!
A host of amazing collaborators will join Quintron including fellow composers/Weather Warlock members Aaron Hill (EyeHateGod) and Gary Wrong! Rapper Delish Da Goddess, jazz singer Meschiya Lake and punk rock percussionist Mike Dillon are just a few of the stellar group of collaborators who will contribute to a truly unpredictable evening.
Opening performances by Special Interest and Benny Divine.
Thanks for supporting us, Fans and Music Lovers!! You are the Gravy to our Mashed Potatoes!! See you out there!!!
I'm having a Baby!!!
Hello Friends and Music Lovers!
I am very excited to announce the impending arrival of our newest Li Big Family member! Mini Meschiya is due out sometime mid-January. She's spent her entire little life, so far, on stage, surrounded by music, so we could very likely be having a little musician on our hands very soon. As much as I absolutely love what I am lucky enough to do for a living, we are over 8 months pregnant, Mama is getting tired, and we've got to prepare headquarters for our little girl's homecoming. I will be taking a maternity break starting mid-December, and going through mid-March. The Little Big Horns will still be doing their thing at the Spotted Cat on Tuesdays, 6-10, and every 3rd Saturday of the month, 10pm-2am, starring a new special guest every week. Tom McDermott will be holding down our Wednesday 8-10 spot at Chickie Wah Wah with the amazingly talented Miss Aurora Nealand in my absence. The rockin' isn't stopping!! So if you don't see much happening on our Calendar til Spring, don't fret, we didn't get abducted by aliens or swept away by a hurricane, it's because there's a new family getting started behind the scenes. We wish you all a lovely Holiday season, and we look forward to introducing you to our new little big bundle of joy!
Love and Music,